Winloot Sweepstakes

WinlootSweepstakes December 2023 Winners Spotlight

The most wonderful time of the year can only get better with free entries to win giveaways on WinlootSweepstakes! Whether you win cash, a fun gift card or a cool prize, it’s another reason to enjoy the season celebrating and it could turn into a double celebration when you win!

Joyce L. of Hickory, North Carolina, has some extra shopping money after winning the $50 Amazon Gift Card on December 7! That leaves plenty of time for holiday gift buying or whatever you want to buy on Amazon. The choices are certainly vast. Plus, with the extended Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, you’re sure to maximize those gift card dollars with great discounts! You may even decide to buy something for yourself, and there’s definitely no shame in that. It’s a great reason to treat yourself to something from your wish list, or perhaps you have some items in your “saved for later” that you can now move to your cart and check out with your gift card money to pay for them. That’s always fun and exciting, especially during the holiday season!

Patricia S. from Camp Hill, Alabama, also has a reason to be extra merry this season since she won the $100 Giveaway on December 12! That could be perfect timing to stock up on all your baking supplies to start making your famous holiday cookies! You might even invite your loved ones over to help with the decorating. You could also buy some decorative tins to hand out your cookie creations as thank you gifts to those who have made a difference in your life throughout the year! If you’re not into baking, that’s okay too. You could head downtown to the local bakery to buy cookies and treats, and perhaps have a nice meal out at one of your favorite restaurants to catch up with a friend or have a holiday get together with family members. The choices are wide open since you can spend that loot any way you see fit, and we hope you fully enjoy whatever that is.

Jim E. in Binghampton, New York, might be in charge of the holiday cooking now that he won the Cuisinart Deep Fryer on December 14! This impressive fryer will make your family and guests think you ordered out from a restaurant, or hired a professional chef, when you put out a delicious spread of everyone’s favorite fried foods and desserts. That could mean French fries, zucchini sticks, mozzarella sticks, chicken, fish and chips, onion rings, and perhaps you’ll try your hand at donuts or maybe even go Italian and make some zeppole’s with powdered sugar or even churros. You might serve them in a decorative holiday bag to make it even more festive! That way everyone can shake their bag to make sure the sugar coats every delicious bite!

Darlene H. may not be worrying about overeating during the holidays because she can keep herself in check with the FitBit Inspire Activity Tracker she won on December 21! This is a great device to set goals, track how many calories you burn, track how well you sleep or not, log your food and water intake, and more. You can even hit the sauna or go for a swim since it’s water resistant too! We hope you enjoy discovering all of the fantastic features this smart watch offers!

Ron W. of Fairfield, Iowa, might be doing a happy dance since he opened his email to find out he won the $500 Visa Gift Card on December 28! What perfect timing if you were just lamenting about how much more you spent on holidays gifts than you had planned. Now you can use your Visa to pay off those bills if you want to. That’s just of many ways you can spend your gift card money since Visa is so widely accepted! You may even decide to go out for a nice dinner on New Year’s Eve to treat yourself and your better half to a tasty meal at one of the fine eateries in town. There certainly are some highly rated options in Fairfield, and you could get a table at your favorite place or try something new. We hope you completely enjoy whatever you plan to do with your prize money. Congrats!

We’ve got another round of $25 Daily Cash Prize Winners to congratulate for the month of December too! We give this prize to someone every day, so be sure to submit your free daily entries and you could be among the next lucky winners! It’s important to enter with an email you check regularly and when you see an email confirmation form us, you can reply to choose between a check in the mail, a PayPal payment or an Amazon Gift Card to collect your free winnings! 

From there, you can spend it any way you choose to! That could be a takeout dinner from your favorite place, lunch with a friend at the local diner or café, a relaxing manicure or a new haircut, or perhaps you’ll buy yourself something special like a new pair of ear buds to listen to your favorite podcasts, tunes and enjoy a long phone conversation with a friend or family member to catch up on everything that’s been happening in your lives. You might even tell them about WinlootSweepstakes and how much fun it is to win. That’s a gift that’s worth sharing because it doesn’t cost anything and we always welcome new players. We’re even more delighted when we see new names on the winners list, so keep entering! We’ve got lots more giveaways coming up and would be thrilled to notify you as one of the next lucky winners!

Don’t forget to check out our recently added $5,000,000 Sweepstakes. Here’s a chance to become an instant millionaire and we’re sure no one wants to pass up that incredible opportunity. We’ve also got another $10,000 Cash Prize drawing coming up, so make sure to submit your daily entries and keep an eye on your email inbox. That’s how we’ll notify you if you win any of our free sweepstakes giveaways so you can collect your winnings absolutely free. It doesn’t get much better than that in the world of sweepstakes prizes!
